A novel idea that could potentially bring hundred of thousand of new residential units in London is fully sustainable yet very economical.


Between 1997 and 2020, London’s population increased by a quarter – an extra 1.7 million people – but only 370,000 homes were added to the stock. New figures reveal that London needs to build 66,000 new homes every year to meet its growing need.

The new strategy is set to focus on building more homes in outer London and will include a presumption in favour of development on small sites in suburban town centres.


Our approach is different. We will utilise existing areas occupied by very inefficient warehouses, railways depos and even railway tracks. Locations are in the inner London areas, and well connected with the rest of London. Apart from the ‘lid’ at the top of it, no other infrastructure is required.



Our analysis shows that only in London Inner areas there is a potential for enabling more than 100 of sites with average size of 60,000sqm. Simple calculation will show there is a possibility to create around 480,000 new homes without getting into complicated and potentially problematic issues with green belt and brownfield areas.

There is a vast network of railway facilities in London prime locations. Central London is clear of it, and main railway stations were initially located at the edge of town. With London expansion, all of the railway facilities were incorporated in the new built ‘suburbs’. Considering cost of land in those areas, no one even contemplated to utilise it at the time.

However, situation is now very different. With prices above £10,000/sqm in those areas, the cost of ‘building over’ can prove extremely profitable. In our calculations, approximate cost for concrete or metal frame above those areas with all of the utilities will be around £2,000/sqm.

Taking into account current initiatives, it will be relatively easy to get planning consent and political support for that.

Our analysis shows that only in London Inner areas there is a potential for enabling more than 100 of sites with average size of 120,000sqm. Simple calculation will show there is a possibility to create around 480,000 new homes without getting into complicated and potentially problematic issues with green belt and brownfield areas.


Acton Crossrail station is a proposed development site with a huge potential.  According to current DPD (published December 2013), the area for development is 6,84ha (68,400sqm), and is designated for commercial and residential development.


THERE IS A POTENTIAL to expand the area to 143,000 sqm with build over tracks and facilities. Simple calculation will give us more than 4,000 houses/flats with associated shopping and commercial area, and all of that extremely well connected with central London.

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Existing Site
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Proposed Site
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Existing Aerial View
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Proposed Construction
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Proposed Aerial View
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